Rain, rain, Go anyway

The forecast was rain all day. I sat for hours with the sliding glass door open watching it gently fall, listening to the raindrops bounce off the leaves in the woods. It was peaceful, so many shades of green appeared brighter and deeper, and everything outside sparkled. One of my favorite local gardens just reopened after being closed this spring due to COVID restrictions and as the day went on I felt that peaceful feeling slowly being replaced with a restlessness as if I was being pulled out of our house and nudged the eight miles. It was lightly misting when I pulled up to Cross Estate Gardens, so I took the path through the woods and the branches overhead were my umbrella. This approach led up to the side of the mansion and a garden I’d never seen before. I almost didn’t go because of the rain but that same rain led me someplace incredibly special- a small enclosed garden with a path that twisted and turned through a wooded space bursting with plants and flowers. Everything glistened. It smelled intoxicating and as I walked under a trellis covered in roses yet to bloom I promised myself I’d return soon. I walked past the house and into the main gardens. The pergola covered walkway was dripping with wisteria and the gardens were bursting with flowers in every hue. The path meanders around and about with several benches tucked throughout. There are steps in the formal garden. Maintained by volunteers and park rangers this site is made possible by New Jersey Historical Garden Foundation in cooperation with the National Park Service. There’s a water tower, plenty of trails in the woods linking up to Patriots Path, and the mansion is available to rent for special events. If you go there’s a small grass parking lot, the driveway to the right leads directly to the estate or you can take the trail. Maps are available online and are sometimes at the entrance as well. A quiet place to reflect and recharge. I’ve brought a book and art supplies but more often than not I stroll and take turns sitting in various spots and enjoying the view.

Cross Estate Garden 61 Jockey Hollow Road Bernardsville, NJ